
The OSD Toolkit includes multiple components, so troubleshooting effectively is dependent on where in the process an issue might occur.

Logging order

The following list is the order of logs to check:

  1. If using iPXE, while in WinPE, you will see the make sure that the iPXE WinPE Client succeeded by checking the 2PXiPXEWinPEClient.log in the X:\Windows\Temp directory.

  2. BITSACP_Startup.log is written to the directory where the TS logs to, in WinPE this is typically in X:\Windows\Temp\SMSTSLog\ folder.

Task Sequence does not use the ACP

When running a task sequence and you want to use the ACP, ensure the following:

  1. If in WinPE, make sure that you have build the WinPE with the help of WinPEGen.exe

  2. If not in WinPE, make sure that the BITSACP.EXE binary is present on the Windows computers running the Task Sequence.

  3. If in WinPE, make sure that the ACP variable is set correctly, if it's not set, due to different paths in your TS, it's obvious as the smsts.log does not mention that its executing the TS ACP itself. If the TS ACP is called, it will have a line like this:

Trying https://FUT-CMPRI.fut.lab/CCMTOKENAUTH_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/PRI00018.
Allow token auth URL when SMSTSAllowTokenAuthURLForACP is true : https://FUT-CMPRI.fut.lab/CCMTOKENAUTH_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/PRI00018
Using download program: BITSACP.exe
BITSACP.exe C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SMSTSDownload.INI PRI00018 C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\PRI00018
Command line for extension .exe is "%1" %*
Set command line: "BITSACP.exe" C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SMSTSDownload.INI PRI00018 C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\PRI00018
Executing command line: "BITSACP.exe" C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SMSTSDownload.INI PRI00018 C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\PRI00018 with options (0, 0)
Process completed with exit code 2147942421

Process completed with exit code 2147942421

  1. The return code is in decimal, but convert it to hex, and the value is this: 80070015, the 8007 indicates that it’s a Windows return code of some sort, so remove that and convert back 15 from hex to dec (21). The console command "net helpmsg <nr>" will tell you what it really means:

  1. In this case, there is also a logfile, called BITSACP_Startup, that contains the error itself and some more information:

  1. So open up the log an it will have the following lines (as an example):

Command-line arguments:

BitsACP.exe BITS Pro Downloader


CP100209 BITS Pro Downloader


Checking to see if we are running in WinPE.

Initializing COM...

Failed to Create BITS COM Object.

The error that it cannot Create a BITS COM object is due to the fact that the BCEnabler.exe Enable command is not executed before the ACP is run.

  1. The following log applies in WinPE (This is mentioned in the guide above)

    1. Run "BCEnabler.exe Enable" EACH TIME you enter WinPE

    2. If you have a complicated TS, make sure that the ACP is set AFTER BCEnabler command line has run.

    3. Before ending the WinPE session, and after the OS image is applied, make sure you run BCEnabler.exe to move the cache etc. into the full OS.

BITSACP fails to download package

This can happen for many reasons, but a typical one is that the Network Access Account is not set. This can be spotted in the main BITSACPSVC_<PackageID>.log file:

Connecting with path: /NOCERT_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/AP200003

Successfully set QueryInterface on Download Job...

Connecting to server...

Trying to connect...

Server replies with Status: 401

The server requires authentication. Sending searcing credentials...

Trying NAC: _SMSTSReserved1-000


Empty value for account

NAC is not valid, cannot authenticate, add valid NAC please:000

Returning: FALSE

Returned from GetPropFindXML

Failed to get HTTP XML Data with PROPFIND webdav request.

Last updated