Release Notes

This is where you find the changes to the latest and the greatest... - 2023-08-25

  1. Adds support for switching download source if server is unresponsive for a BITS job without failing the download.

  2. BITSACP now logs BranchCache status for every download started.

  3. BITSACP sets all timestamps in registry as UTC time based.

  4. Adds support for forcing the use of CCMTOKEN paths for ConfigMgr deployments is a Task Sequence BITSACPUSECCMTOKEN variable is set to True, TRUE or true. (Don't ask! ;-)

  5. BITSACP now uses the SMSTSDownloadRetryCount and SMSTSDownloadRetryDelay tasks sequence variables for retries and pause between retries before switching source location. Default is 5 attempts with a 15s delay between attempts.

  6. Adds support for BranchCache Hosted Cache mode via StifleR client.

  7. Improved logging, WinPE downlaods are not in the BITSACP_WinPE.log and for downloads in full OS the log file is BITSACP_OS.log for easier log parsing.

  8. Fixes an issue where the Turbo feature incorrectly downloads the same file multiple times instead of 5 unique files.

BranchCache First Timer?

If you are not familiar with BranchCache we recommend that you take a look at the Microsoft Documentation for a good overview:

You can also check out the 2Pint Blog for more advanced BranchCache content: